Statement of Intent
At St Winifred’s Catholic Primary School, we want our children to be happy, confident, well-rounded individuals with a love of learning and life. We recognise that PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) makes a significant contribution to developing the values, skills and knowledge that pupils need to thrive as individuals at school, in the wider community and globally. PSHE helps to prepare our pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up. With this in mind, we cover a broad and rich PSHE curriculum (please refer to the PSHE curriculum maps for more details).
To ensure coverage and progression, we have a PSHE curriculum map that integrates all of the national expectations: being healthy, well-being, caring for others, staying safe and the wider world. Each year group covers these topics through lessons and resources that are age appropriate and adjusted to ensure they every child can access the learning. Each year, their knowledge builds on the progression from prior years, and they revisit key ideas to embed and deepen their understanding. We use a number of approaches: teaching through our core subjects, discreet PSHE lessons, school trips, specialist visitors, class discussions, assemblies, performances, debates and play.
Playtime, is a rich opportunity to have fun, exercise be social, develop empathy and learn the art of negotiation. As part of our commitment to nurturing confident and capable children, we have well-trained playground supervisors who are committed to supporting the children to solve any disagreements restoratively. This means that the children are encouraged to prevent disputes and build better relationships by communicating effectively and positively. Research has shown that children who are party to the restorative approach have fewer disputes, develop their empathy and build confidence. Further to this, we have trained students who are also on hand to support others.
To enrich their PSHE learning, we have specialist visitors, focussed weeks and trips: wellbeing week, anti-bullying week, career visits, money workshops, and MPs and RSPCA visits (please refer to the curriculum maps for more examples). These contribute to raising the profile of key areas in PSHE and provide the children with essential social and emotional learning opportunities, and extend their understanding of the wider world.
We know that the world is an unpredictable place. As such, we understand how important it is that PSHE lessons are also responsive and so, whenever possible, we provide opportunities for the children to express themselves and discuss issues, concerns and current affairs as they occur.
When children leave St Winifred’s, we expect them to have the following knowledge and skills:
- To be socially and morally prepared for the wider world.
- To have tolerance, patience and appreciation of others.
- To be able to recognise, develop and maintain healthy relationships.
- To know how to deal with challenges and success.
- To have self-belief and determination.
- To be proud and dignified custodians of our world.
- To know how to take care of their well-being.
- To know how to stay safe- both online and in the world we live in.
- To know that we are all unique and special.
- To be able to develop their personal role in society.
- To know how to avoid and resolve conflict.
- To be able to show respect to themselves and to others.
Health and Wellbeing - Created and loved by God
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Relationships - Created to love others
Black History Month 2024- Windrush
Anti Bullying Week 2024- Choose Respect
During this week we looked at different types of bullying and celebrated our differences. We wore Odd Socks to embrace our differences and stand against bullying.
Living in the wider word - Created to live in community
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