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St Winifred's Primary School

St Winifred's Primary School

Local Offer

Local Offer 2024

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

St Winifred’s School is an inclusive school and alongside quality first teaching and a broad and rich curriculum we may offer the following additional and different support for children with SEND.

There are 4 Categories of SEND:-

Communication and Interaction

  • Pre-teaching of new concepts and vocabulary to enhance learning in language groups overseen by the school speech and language therapist.
  • Provision of individually tailored visual support , including individual timetables and behavioural cue cards.
  • Assessment by and intervention from the school speech and language therapist. St Winifred’s School has bought into enhanced speech and language support and have their own therapist working in school.
  • Provision of small group speaking and listening skills delivered by Teaching Assistants specifically trained by the Speech and Language Therapist.
  • Delivery of individual SALT programmes by the school speech and language therapist.
  • Outreach support via teachers from ‘Drumbeat ASD School’.

Cognition and Learning

  • ICT and Assistive technology e.g. interactive whiteboards and regular access to computers using specific SEND programmes.
  • Educational Psychologists work closely with referred children and their parents/carers and provide support in the form of school based assessments and meetings.
  • Specific Learning Difficulties Advisor support and assessment.
  • Use of support programmes and materials for numeracy and literacy.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • Mentor support focusing on social and emotional development and promoting positive peer interaction delivered 1:1
  • Outreach support provided by New Woodlands School targeting those pupils who have emotional/behavioural needs that affect their learning.
  • Intervention from the Children’s Society Targeted Family Support service for children and their families both in school and in the home.
  • Intervention from the child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) for children and their parents/carers on referral, delivered at CAMHS or in school as appropriate.
  • ‘Drawing and Talking Therapy’ this is a gentle non-intrusive method of working with children who need a little help to support their emotional and learning needs.
  • Use of resources to promote positive peer interaction e.g. Circle of Friends and ‘Friendship terrace’
  • Play leaders initiating and supporting activities during lunch breaks. Buddy systems for support during playtimes and lunchtimes.
  • Personalised behaviour support programme
  • Outreach behaviour support via Outreach Inclusion

Sensory and Physical

  • Provision of resources to enhance independent learning including easy-grip scissors and rulers, coloured overlays, use of dyslexia friendly coloured paper and font, non-fidget cushions, privacy screens and writing slopes.
  • Assessment by and intervention from an occupational therapist (OT), on referral. The implementation of individual O.T. programmes when recommended.
  • Liaison with medical professionals and medical care plan assistance via School Nurse

Access to a supportive environment

  • Safeguarding procedures in place.
  • E-Safety/CEOP training for all staff
  • Compliance with Disability Discrimination Act
  • School website

Universal Parent liaison Offering

  • Open days for parents and prospective parents
  • Parent evenings and learning targets
  • Meetings with Inclusion Managers on request and at parent evenings.
  • Contact books for some children
  • International Week
  • Parent Workshops
  • End of Year reports.